"Current Promos (Old)"
Aspirator Bottles
BOD Bottles
Boston Round Bottles
Centrifuge Bottles
Cubitainer Bottles
Culture Bottles
Dilution Bottles
Dispensing / Dropping Bottles
Environmental Bottles
Gas Washing Bottles
Media Bottles
Milk Testing Bottles
Narrow Mouth Bottles
Other Bottles
Pre Cleaned Bottles
Rectangular / Square / French Square Bottles
Roller Bottles
Safety Coated Bottles
Sample / Serum Bottles
Solution Bottles
Specific Gravity Bottles
Wash Bottles
Weighing Bottles
Wide Mouth Bottles
Cell Culture Media
Chiral Chromatography
Clamps / Supports / Rings
Closures and Caps
Digestion Units
Diluters / Dispensers
Electrodes / Probes
Environmental Glassware
Environmental Growth Chambers
Air Filters
Bottle Top Filters
Cellulose Filters
Chromatography Filters
Filter Capsules
Filter Funnels
Filter Holders
Glass Fiber Filters
Membrane Filters
Microfiber Filters
Microplate Filters
Other Filters
Paper Filters
Spin Filters
Syringe Filters
Syringeless Filters
Ultrafiltration Filters
Vacuum Filters
Beaker Flasks
Boiling Flasks
Culture Flasks
Distilling Flasks
Erlenmeyer Flasks
Evaporating Flasks
Filter Flasks
Kjeldahl Flasks
Other Flasks
Pear Flasks
Reaction Flasks
Receiving Flasks
Recovery Flasks
Round Bottom Flasks
Spinner Flasks
Spray Flasks
Three and Four Neck Flasks
Tissue Culture Flasks
Trypsinizing Flasks
Vacuum Flasks
Volumetric Flasks
Gas Chromatography
Gas Chromatography Accessories
Gas Chromatography Autosampler Syringes for Agilent GCs
Gas Chromatography Autosampler Syringes for PerkinElmer Autosystem GCs
Gas Chromatography Autosampler Syringes for Shimadzu GCs
Gas Chromatography Autosampler Syringes for Thermo Finnigan / CTC / Leap GCs
Gas Chromatography Autosampler Syringes for Varian 8000 Series GCs
Gas Chromatography Column Ferrules
Gas Chromatography Columns
Gas Chromatography Connectors
Gas Chromatography Ferrules
Gas Chromatography Gas-Tight Syringes
Gas Chromatography Gas-Tight Syringes with Shut-Off Valves
Gas Chromatography Hardware
Gas Chromatography Hardware and Supplies for Agilent GCs
Gas Chromatography HPLC Syringes
Gas Chromatography Inlet Liners for Agilent / HP GCs
Gas Chromatography Inlet Liners for ATAS Injectors
Gas Chromatography Inlet Liners for PerkinElmer GCs
Gas Chromatography Inlet Liners for Shimadzu GCs
Gas Chromatography Inlet Liners for Thermo Finnigan GCs
Gas Chromatography Inlet Liners for Varian GCs
Gas Chromatography Instrument Supplies
Gas Chromatography Leak Detectors and Flow Meters
Gas Chromatography Liner Packing Materials and Accessories
Gas Chromatography Liners for APEX for ProSep
Gas Chromatography Micro-Volume Syringes
Gas Chromatography Packings
Gas Chromatography Precision Sampling Syringes
Gas Chromatography Septa
Gas Chromatography Standard Microliter Volume Syringes
Gas Chromatography Supplies
Gas Chromatography Tools
Gas Chromatography Valves
Gas Chromatography Vials
HPLC - High Performance Liquid Chromatography
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Backpressure Regulators
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Bulk Packing Materials
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Guard
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Ion Exchange
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Misc.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Normal Phase
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Reversed Phase
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Semi Prep
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns - Special Purpose
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Fittings and Tools
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Hardware
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Instrument Accessories
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Instrument Replacement Parts
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mobile Phase Accessories
High Performance Liquid Chromatography PEEK®
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Storage / Organizers
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Supplies
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Syringes
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tubing
LC - Liquid Chromatography
Microbiology Media
Microscope Supplies
Mixers and Shakers
Molecular Biology
Adenoviral Gene Delivery
Cloning and Transformation
DNA / RNA Analysis
Electrophoresis and Hybridization Reagents
Gene Expression
Insect Media and Reagents
Nucleic Acid Purification
PCR Reagents
Plant Culture and Specialty Media
Proteomic Reagents
Sample Preparation
Yeast Kits and Media
Pipet Tips
Aspirating Pipets
Bacteriological Pipets
Long Tip Pipets
Milk / Cream Pipets
Mohr Pipets
NMR Pipets
Pasteur Pipets
Pipet Accessories
Pipet Controllers Pipets
Pipet Droppers
Pipet Fillers / Pumps
Positive Displacement Pipets
Serological Pipets
Storage / Cleaning
Stripettes Pipets
Transfer Pipets
Volumetric Pipets
Restek Performance Coatings Products
Safety Equipment
Syringes and Needles
Thermal Cyclers
TLC - Thin Layer Chromatography
Water / Wastewater Testing Supplies
Water Analysis Equipment
Water Purification
Weighing Supplies
Wrapping Materials
X - BD - 10
Brands and Suppliers
- A&D Engineering
- Absolute Standards
- Adam Equipment
- Agilent Technologies
- Ahlstrom
- Albany Advanced Digital Imaging
- Alconox
- Aldrich
- Alere
- All-Pak
- Alltech Associates
- Alpha Pro Tech
- Altor Safety
- American National Can
- Amresco
- Anachemia Chemicals
- Applied Biosystems
- Avantor™ Performance Materials - J.T.Baker®
- Avantor™ Performance Materials - Macron™ Chemicals
- Axygen Scientific
- Axygen Scientific
- Azura Genomics
- Baker (JT Baker)
- Barnstead
- BD Microbiology Systems
- Becton Dickinson
- Bel Art Products
- Bellco Glass
- Benchmark Scientific
- Berk International
- Berlin
- Bertin Technologies
- Best Manufacturing
- Bio 101
- Bio-Plas
- Biohit
- Bioplast Manufacturing
- Bioresource
- Black Machine
- Blue M
- Boekel Industries
- Brandtech
- Branson Ultrasonics
- Brinkmann
- Buchler Instruments
- Bulbtronics
- Burdick & Jackson
- Cadence Science
- Caframo, Ltd
- Cahn
- Calbiochem
- Cargille Laboratories
- Cayman Chemical
- Cellgro
- Celltreat
- Chase Scientific Glass
- Chemglass
- Chemplast
- ChemService
- Chromacol, Inc.
- Coleman
- Comar
- Control
- Controlled Environment Equipment Corp
- Coors Ceramic Co.
- Copan Diagnostics
- Corning
- Corning®
- Corning®
- Corning®
- Corning® BioCoat®
- CPI - The Alternative Supplier
- Crystal Industries
- Crystal Industries
- Difco Laboratories
- Dimco - Gray
- Diversified Biotech
- Dow Corning
- Drierite, W.A. Hammond
- Drummond Scientific
- DuPont Personal Protection
- DWK - Wheaton Science Products
- Dyn-A-Med Products
- Dynalon Products
- Dynex Technologies
- E Com Seating
- E-C Apparatus
- Eagle Picher
- Eagle Thermoplastics
- Eberbach
- Edwards High Vacuum
- Eisco
- Electrothermal
- Elkay Products
- EMD Millipore
- Encon Safety Products
- Englehard Corporation
- Eppendorf
- Erie Scientific
- Ertco
- Excel Scientific
- Falcon - Corning
- Fashion Seal Uniform
- Finneran
- Fisons Instruments
- Fluka
- Foxx Life Sciences
- Fuji
- GE Osmonics
- Gelman Sciences
- GFS Chemicals
- Glas-Col Apparatus
- Globe Scientific
- Godax Laboratories
- Graphic Controls
- Greatglas
- Hamilton
- Hardwood Products
- Hardy Diagnostics
- Heathrow Scientific
- Heidolph Brinkmann
- Hengar
- Heraeus
- Hettich
- Hettich
- Hewlett Packard
- High Purity Standards
- Honeywell Burdick & Jackson
- Humboldt Mfg.
- Hygienic Corporation
- I-CHEM Research
- Idea Works
- Ika Works
- J & W Scientific
- Jaece Industries
- Jeio Tech
- Johnson & Johnson
- Johnson Matthey
- Justman Brush
- Justrite Manufacturing
- Kappler
- Kendall Healthcare Products
- Kimberly Clark
- Kimble
- Kimble-Chase
- Kinematica
- Kipp & Zonen
- KNF Neuberger
- Kontes
- Kord Products, Inc.
- Krackeler Scientific
- Krackeler Scientific
- Krackeler Scientific
- Lab Glass
- Lab Industries
- Lab Systems (Thermo Labsystems)
- Lab-Line Instruments
- LabChem
- Labconco
- LabNet
- Labsciences
- Lakeside Manufacturing
- Lamson & Goodnow
- Lauda Brinkmann
- LevGo
- Lida Manufacturing
- Lindberg
- Macherey Nagel
- Macron
- Magic Touch Icewares
- Mallinckrodt Baker
- Manton Industrial Cork
- Medical Action Industries
- Medline
- Meridian Bioscience
- Metrohm USA
- Micro Essential
- Microflex
- Microlit
- Micron Separations, Inc.
- Mill-Rose / Modern Brush
- Millipore Sigma
- MilliporeSigma
- Miltenyi Biotech
- Miltex Instruments
- Mitchell Plastics
- Mold-Rite Plastics
- Molecular Bio-Products
- Monoject
- MP Biomedicals
- MTC Bio
- Mystaire
- Nalge
- Napco
- Nasco
- National Scientific
- National Scientific Supply
- Nest Scientific
- New Brunswick Scientific
- Next Advance
- Nor-Lake Scientific
- Nor-Lake Scientific
- Norton / Performance Plastics
- Nova Analytics
- Novagen
- NSI Solutions
- Nunc
- Nurnberg Thermometer
- Oak Technical
- Ohaus
- Ohio Valley Specialty Chemical
- Orbeco Analytical Systems
- Orion (Thermo Orion)
- Osmonics
- Owl Separation Systems
- Oxford Worldwide
- Oxoid, Inc.
- Pall Life Sciences
- Parker Balston
- Pelican Products
- Penn Wheeling Closure
- Pina Solutions
- Pipette Calibration Services
- PML Microbiologics
- Polar Ware
- Polyfoam Packers (Thermosafe)
- Polytron
- Pope Scientific
- Popper
- Precellys
- Precision Dynamics
- Precision Scientific
- Propper
- Qbiogene
- Qorpak
- Quadrex
- Qualitron
- R & D Separations
- Rainin
- Raylabcon, Inc.
- Reliable Scientific
- Restek
- Retsch
- Revco
- Rheodyne, Inc.
- Ricca Chemical
- Richard-Allan Scientific
- Riedel de Hahn
- Rieke
- Roche
- Roche
- Rubbermaid
- Safeskin
- Samco
- Sarstedt
- Sartorius
- Schleicher & Schuell
- Scientemp
- Scientific Glass Engineering
- Scientific Industries
- Scientific Specialties Service
- Scilogex
- Secure Medical
- Sensorex
- Seward Laboratory Systems
- Shadel
- Shamrock Scientific Specialty
- Siemens
- Sillcocks Plastic
- Simport
- Sol-Millennium Medical
- Sorenson Bioscience
- Southland Cryogenics
- Specialty Silicones
- Spectronic (Thermo)
- Spectronics Corporation
- Spectrum Chemicals
- Spectrum Chromatography
- Spectrum Medical Industries
- SPEX Certiprep
- Stahmer Weston
- Starna Cells
- Steris
- Sunrise Science Products
- Supelco
- Surgipath
- SW Safety
- SW Safety
- Talboys Engineering
- Taylor - Wharton
- Tech Data
- Tech Glass Co
- Techne
- Technical Glass
- Terracycle
- TerraCycle
- Thermo
- Thermo Hypersil Keystone
- Thermolyne
- Tian's International
- Timemed Labeling Systems
- Tremont
- TrippNT
- Troemner
- Tuttnauer
- UBoxes
- Ultra Scientific
- Unimetrics
- Upchurch Scientific
- Valmark, Kord
- Varian
- Velp Scientific
- Velp Scientifica
- VistaLab Technologies
- Vivascience
- Vizocom
- W.W. Grainger
- Waring Service Center
- Watson-Marlow
- Whatman/Cytiva
- White Knight Eng. Products
Current Promotions
- Antibodies
- BrandTech Scientific - 2025 Liquid Handling & Equipment Promos!
- Celltreat - A Flurry of Savings, Buy 3 Get 1 Free (or free flannel!)
- Celltreat/VistaLab - FREE ali-Q with Wobble-not Purchase
- Corning and Axygen Pipet Tips - Buy 1 Get 1 Free
- Foxx EZWaste® Solvent Waste Systems - Save with Bundled Pricing!
- Krackeler 2020 Savings Portfolio
- MilliporeSigma Optifix® Dispensers - Buy 2 Get 1 Free