DWK Life Sciences (Kimble) Dual Scale Baume / SG Hydrometers

The Baume scale originally was used in industrial chemistry and pharmacology, but today it is used in brewing, winemaking, sugar beet processing, ophthalmics, and the starch industry. Although specific gravity is a dimensionless number, the Baume scale is graduated in degrees Baume. According to Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook (8th Edition), °Be’ = 145 – 145/sp gr (heavier than water), and °Be’ = 140/sp gr - 130 (lighter than water).
- A serial number is printed on the scale and a certificate of traceability is included
- The hydrometer meets or exceeds the requirements in ASTM specification E100, and it is calibrated to ASTM specification E126 to ensure accuracy
- The certificate of traceability indicates that the hydrometers are manufactured using devices calibrated using NIST traceable standards
- The ballast is made from steel pellets and a binder, and it is free of heavier metals