Axygen® DNA Markers
By Axygen Scientific
Two ready-to-use DNA size markers for gel electrophoresis. The 100 bp Ladder and 1 Kb Ladder represent the two most popular markers used for DNA fragment size determination. These markers are formulated to run accurately and to provide crisp band patterns. The two markers require no additional preparation and contain bromphenol blue for ease of use. Both markers are supplied at a concentration of 50µg/500µL (0.1µg/µL).
- The 100 bp DNA Ladder contains 12 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 100 bp to 3,000 bp. This marker is ideal for the size determination of PCR products.
- The 1 kb DNA Ladder contains 13 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 300 bp to 10,000 bp. This marker is ideal for the size determination of digested DNA.