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Heracell™ VIOS 160i CO2 Incubators with Stainless Steel Chamber

By Thermo
Heracell™ VIOS 160i CO<sub>2</sub><sub> </sub>Incubators with Stainless Steel Chamber

The Thermo Scientific™ Heracell™ VIOS CO2 incubator is specifically designed to deliver the performance reliability, ease of operation, and value required to support a range of culturing needs from basic research to the demanding, leading-edge applications. Heracell™ CO2 incubators with non-corrosive stainless-steel interior chambers provide the ideal in-vitro environment.

Direct Heat Chamber

  • 165L electropolished stainless steel chamber with compact footprint, easily stackable
  • Standard left hand door swing, reversible door swing for added flexibility

THRIVE Active Airflow

  • In-chamber fan gently distributes clean, humidified air throughout the chamber ensuring homogeneous conditions
  • Fast recovery of all parameters ten minutes or less for stable culturing conditions
  • Auto-stop function disables fan operation during door openings to minimize air exchange

ISO 5 HEPA Filtration

  • In-chamber HEPA continuously filters the entire chamber air volume every 60 seconds
  • ISO 5 clean room air quality is achieved in the culture chamber within five minutes
  • Continuous protection by minimizing ability for contaminants to settle on interior surfaces

Protected Humidity Reservoir

  • Directly heated water reservoir provides stable high relative humidity levels, preventing culture desiccation
  • Cover limits particles and spilled media from settling into the reservoir
  • Condensation free inner chamber, prevents a breeding ground for contaminant
  • 5X faster humidity recovery than traditional water pan designs
  • For easier water handling, humidity reservoir may be filled or drained without the removal of shelves or cultures

In situ sensors and probes

  • Dual temperature probes for over temperature protection with operational back up
  • Choice of thermal conductivity (TC) with rH compensation or single beam, dual wavelength infrared (IR) CO2 sensor
  • O2 control ranges 1 to 21% (hypoxic) and 5 to 90% (hyperoxic)

Steri-Run, high temperature defection cycle

  • Overnight cycle simplifies cleaning and eliminates the need for separate autoclaving of parts
  • 180°C cycle assures uniform 6-log sterilization on all chamber surfaces eliminating biological contaminants

Intuitive, interactive iCAN™ Touchscreen Control

  • Convenient on-screen user prompts and reminders for easy navigation
  • Selectable languages simplify operation: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese and Mandarin
  • Visibility to changes in culture environment on performance graphs and error and data logs
Cat.No. Brand Name Model Voltage Dimensions, Int. Dimensions, Ext. Chamber Vol. CO2 Sensor EA    
50-51030285 Heracell™ Single Chamber with TC CO2 Sensor VIOS 160i 120V 18.5 x 23.9 x 22.7" 25.1 x 35.4 x 34.6" 165L TC $11639.00
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50-50144906 Heracell™ Dual Chamber with TC CO2 Sensor, Stacking Adapter, and Roller Dolly VIOS 160i 120V 18.5 x 23.9 x 22.7" 25.1 x 35.4 x 34.6" 165L TC $24823.00
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50-51030403 Heracell™ Tri-Gas Single Chamber with 1-21% O2 Control and Gas Tight 3-Segment Inner Door VIOS 160i 120V 18.5 x 23.9 x 22.7" 25.1 x 35.4 x 34.6" 165L TC $15656.00
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50-51030400 Heracell™ Single Chamber with IR CO2 Sensor VIOS 160i 120V 18.5 x 23.9 x 22.7" 25.1 x 35.4 x 34.6" 165L IR $12875.00
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50-50145504 Heracell™ Dual Chamber with IR CO2 Sensor, Stacking Adapter, and Roller Dolly VIOS 160i 120V 18.5 x 23.9 x 22.7" 25.1 x 35.4 x 34.6" 165L IR $26780.00
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50-51030405 Heracell™ Tri-Gas Single Chamber with 1-21% O2 Control and Gas Tight 3-Segment Inner Door VIOS 160i 120V 18.5 x 23.9 x 22.7" 25.1 x 35.4 x 34.6" 165L IR $17201.00
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