Liners for Varian
By RestekSplit liners are designed with mixing chambers and tortuous flow paths, to fully vaporize the sample into a homogeneous vapor cloud before it reaches the split point. All Restek split liners are fully deactivated using a high-temperature silanizing reagent. This caps surface silanol groups so active compounds in the sample do not degrade or adsorb onto the hot glass surface.
The residence time of the sample in a splitless liner is between 0.5 and 2 minutes, so splitless inlet liners do not require large surface areas for efficient vaporization (unless you are using a rapid-injecting autosampler). Splitless liners usually are designed as straight tubes. Splitless liners should be packed with wool or fused silica beads to help with vaporization, trap non-volatile residue, and prevent column contamination when analyzing dirty samples.
- Use DI Liners for trace, active samples, high recovery, and linearity.
- Use SPI liners for high linearity for 0.53mm ID columns.
Alternative splitless liner designs, such as gooseneck restrictions, help contain the sample cloud in the injector and minimize the breakdown of compounds sensitive to catalytic decomposition on metal inlet parts.